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When the world shut down in March 2020 due to Covid, most play installations in public arenas were closed. To us this change was a test on how fast we could adapt to the new situation.

We had already developed Munti Move.  Munti Move is an entertaining touch free activity for young and old. Now this activity got new relevance as a contamination free play alternative! Over the last months, we have focused on adjusting Munti Move to the Munti Box, to make it available for even more arenas. The Munti Box is already a flexible installation with a wide range of activities. With Munti Move, it becomes even more flexible with the option of switching between touch screen and touch free activities.

We have received public funding from Innovation Norway to develop touch free play installations, and will have the first pilot ready before the end of the year.


Munti Move was originally developed in cooperation with arenas that saw the need of creating a fun space for children to be physically active. 


The result is an interactive play arena, with moving silhouettes made of candy, fluff and other surprising objects. When you move - the shapes move with you! 



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